
By The Time I Get Thin, Fat Will Be In

Saturday, August 18, 2018

I'm Unstable, hug an a**hole

So I figured out today that I am unstable. 
I was talking to one of my closest friends Courtney about a post that my ex added about me. I was not mentioned of course but... you know. You can tell when someone is talking sideways about you.

So anyway she says "Do you give two F***ks what he thinks?" (She has the mouth of a drunken sailor at happy hour) I reply "No but it gets old and tiring." So my very loud friend that we have been friends long enough that there is no filter between us retorts "Yes it does but people are always gonna say stupid sh****y sh*t. People CANNOT BE HAPPY.. AND IF THEY SEE YOU ARE THEY TRY THEIR HARDEST TO DESTROY IT."
I went silent for a few beats and I got to thinking about some of the stuff that has been said to and about me in the last nearly 3 years since we split up.I understand it was an unexpected and sudden break up for most people from the outside. It was for me as well. Things spiraled quickly. We had been married for fifteen years and there had been a few break ups in the 15 years. None of the break ups lasted too long but I had told him the last time he left and came back. "this is the last time this happens. You leave again and you are gone for good, I can not do this to my children again." I held true to my word.

I suddenly said to Courtney "I'm unstable." She questions me "What? How are you unstable" I said "Well I have worked for the government for over a year. He has had like 4 jobs since the split. I have had 1 relationship, he has had like 7. I pay my own bills, he lives with his mother. I take care of and put my children first, we won't talk about his lack of support for the kids. But I am unstable." I continue " Everyone acts like I am barely surviving, I am a wack job, I'm unstable and coming apart at the seams. Why?" My always supportive friend comes back with "He's a F**king loser." Ummm thanks doll.

For anyone out there going through a break up or even still dealing with a past break up be proud of being unstable. If people are going around saying you are unstable, a wack job, barely making it or tip toeing around you then you are probably doing something right. Just remember people build themselves up by tearing you down. That simply means they are threatened by you. The people that talk badly about you feel intimidated and threatened by your general awesomeness and they are desperate to make you seem less appealing to others. Pity them for they are sad, scared and probably really need a hug. Go out and hug an *sshole.

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